I will speak from the heart, not regurgitate what my professional organization tells me to say.


Saturday, March 12, 2016

Quality of Life without insurance

I ran into a former practice member while on a shopping outing.  I hadn't seen this person in nearly 10 years.  Her insurance would not pay for her care and she made the decision to discontinue care.  Now, insurance only pays for short term care as if all pain magically goes away.  But we're human and we know the body needs a lot of TLC.

While chiropractic is not a treatment for pain, it is an approach to open up pathways in the spine so the nerves can regulate body functions, especially healing.  In today's real world, most people have chronic pain and benefit from chiropractic even though their pain remains, it is usually at a lesser level and allows them more function.  Most people would rather continue chiropractic care as a maintenance routine rather than drop it altogether, so there are wellness approaches where chiropractic can be made more affordable.

This person told me when she stopped coming she had "gone back to the pills."  She knew it was a destructive path.  It took her  a while to get back down to a low dose.  It's an easy trip to take, I suppose.  We all think we can keep things in control and pain meds shouldn't be a big deal.  "I can cut back when I need to."  But sadly, most people lose their grip and don't truly have the control they imagined.

My former practice member told me she was grateful for the advice I had given her.  She said exercise has been her salvation.  She exercises five days a week (in her 70's).  She was very positive and seeing her out of the blue after all this time was very uplifting for me.

I do want my practice members and future practice members to know there is quality of life without insurance.  Since insurance bureaucrats have no desire to understand the value of prevention, and especially the benefits of subluxation correction, there's no point in wasting time trying to negotiate with them.  Your life is more important than that.

Your efforts matter. Your own time investment is the most important health practice.  Please be wary of the chemical promises of pharmaceuticals.  It's your life.  Learn as much as you can about the options available.  And don't forget about the value of subluxation correction.

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